Saturday, November 30, 2013

Sponsorship online

Okay today we all know that motocross is an expensive sport and everyone likes to get sponsors it just sounds good and makes you feel good. There is a website called that helps a lot of people get sponsored, but lets think about it. This is just another way for all the companies to make there money by saying your sponsored and cutting out the dealer. They give there sponsored drivers the same price as the dealer gets. So think about it the only one losing out is your dealers. I am glad that they are out there for the riders but who are they really helping but themselves. I know it is business and this is the way the world revolves I have to admit my son use to use this sight a while ago.

Well now that we know the sponsors can not sponsor everyone they just don't have it because there are so many people that want to get sponsored. So they found a happy medium were they can help without losing any money but I would like to know if this hurts the dealers at all not saying it does just a question. I was wondering who to ask to see what kind of results I would get get back. Well anyways at least there is a place to go to get some sponsors after all any help is better than none. This goes out to all the motocross riders that have to struggle to make it to the track just to race. Please let me hear about I sympathizes with you and this is why I started this blog to hopefully get big someday and throw all the money I can raise to the amateur motocross racing. Even if I can put some television shows together for amateur racing and I have a couple ideas that I think would be great. Then again that is in my head maybe it won't work at all, but I seen things on the Howard Stearn show like throwing Bologna on to a women's ass work so who knows what could happen. Well until next time pin it to win it.


Friday, November 29, 2013

What drives Motocrosser racers to be all they can be

Hello again and today I want to start out by writing about the amateur racing and what drives motocross racers to do the things they do to get on top. There seems to be a lot of reasons motocross racers race and a lot of them a great reasons but there is always the one reason that is not the best. Well at least it might not start out that way just ends up that way. Yes I am talking about some of the parents that are screaming and yelling at there kids when they make mistakes. The one thing that I hate most is to see a young motocross racer crying because there father or mother flipped out on them after the race. Don't these parents know that there is enough pressure on these kids already. Believe it or not this sport is not recreational anymore when you are trying to be good you have to be on your game. It is very expensive for training and gear besides the cost of bikes, motor work, and too many more things to list. Yes I can understand some of the yelling it is racing it is competition but some over do it a little too much. The last thing about that is I know we haves all seen it when a kid falls and gets hurt and the parent is screaming to get back on the bike and get going. STOP right there I have heard enough that is right we are talking about little kids well at least thats what I am talking about never can you justify screaming at your little one when he is hurt from a motocross accident. For most of the parents that don't even ride jump on the bike then and show them how its done I am sure they would enjoy giving it back to you when you fall.

Okay enough about that now too all the ones who race because they love it and are so competitive, and you have the ones who do it because they love to have fun. They do not care if they win they just enjoy riding and being around all there friends. There is nothing wrong with that I don't know how to explain this everyone wants to win don't get me wrong but there are a lot that except that they are not going to win and they are going to give it there best. If them motocross racers did not exist there would not be a lot on the line to race. Well at big events you will still get the good numbers but not at your local tracks. Most of the motocross racers have that competitive drive to win.They will do what it takes to succeed and push themselves to the limit. The beauty of that is it drives them to be the best they can be. We all know that not everyone can be the best but we have to fit in the ladder somewhere so by doing everything you can to get to where you are that jus a satisfying feeling. For some they will never stop trying to give up and that too is remarkable, but I have to say the determination these motocross riders have are unbelievable and people think that motocross racers are not n shape. Well all I have to say is go out and ride a bike for one race and you will see what kind of shape these guys and girls are in. My hats off too all of you riders that give me the satisfaction of not only watching my son race, but too watching all of you go give it your all. I have to say seeing your smiles on your face at the motocross track enjoying life with your friends and family definitely leave a place in my heart. 

P.S. Keep up the good work motocrossers


Thursday, November 28, 2013

Pain and Agony what else to look forward too.

Hello how are all of you doing I am a Motocross enthusiast that has been around this sport for 40 years and I must say it seems to get harder and harder everyday. The difference between me and most enthuses they jump on the band wagon with all of the most popular riders which is most of the world, but me I love the amateur racing this is were it all begins. I do not think people realize how tuff a sport motocross really is and the punishment they put there bodies through. The problem is there are way too many riders and not enough sponsors. We all know how hard it is to pick up a real sponsor to get anywhere in life they look at all aspects of the rider. If you don't have money you are already passed up and have no chance if you can not make all the big races how do you get sponsored. Oh and as for everything else politics always sets in too what is going on. Well here I can say my piece and not have to worry about it I will be a little generous today and not throw companies under the bus for how they work nor will I slam anyone in the way they handle there business, but in the future I feel that this could all change.

If there are any motocrossers out there that totally agree and know exactly what I am talking about now is the time to make a stand. Please follow this blog and give me feedback I have been there and done that and know how it all works. I have found riders that are incredible can not afford to practice or even hardly race but still qualify up front at the nationals. This my friend are diamond in the rough and some day I hope to have a lot of money so I can help some of these riders and you know not saying they are going to be the best in the world but I want to make a difference. Way too many riders getting hurt and dying for many different reasons and how hard they have to train to get there is ridiculous and you know what people like RedBull that makes this sport crazy. Well you know what I understand they can only help so many people but I got question for all of the motocross world when is the last time any big sponsors took a chance on someone that was run through there program and did not have to deal with any politics.

Well I have said enough today but tomorrow let the fun begin and if there are any sponsors out there that want to let me show them diamonds in the rough I know a lot of them down South wish I could be there right now too.
