Saturday, November 30, 2013

Sponsorship online

Okay today we all know that motocross is an expensive sport and everyone likes to get sponsors it just sounds good and makes you feel good. There is a website called that helps a lot of people get sponsored, but lets think about it. This is just another way for all the companies to make there money by saying your sponsored and cutting out the dealer. They give there sponsored drivers the same price as the dealer gets. So think about it the only one losing out is your dealers. I am glad that they are out there for the riders but who are they really helping but themselves. I know it is business and this is the way the world revolves I have to admit my son use to use this sight a while ago.

Well now that we know the sponsors can not sponsor everyone they just don't have it because there are so many people that want to get sponsored. So they found a happy medium were they can help without losing any money but I would like to know if this hurts the dealers at all not saying it does just a question. I was wondering who to ask to see what kind of results I would get get back. Well anyways at least there is a place to go to get some sponsors after all any help is better than none. This goes out to all the motocross riders that have to struggle to make it to the track just to race. Please let me hear about I sympathizes with you and this is why I started this blog to hopefully get big someday and throw all the money I can raise to the amateur motocross racing. Even if I can put some television shows together for amateur racing and I have a couple ideas that I think would be great. Then again that is in my head maybe it won't work at all, but I seen things on the Howard Stearn show like throwing Bologna on to a women's ass work so who knows what could happen. Well until next time pin it to win it.


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