Thursday, February 20, 2014

Off to the South for a couple weeks

Well I leave for Tennessee today to see my son in which I have not seen in a couple weeks now. It is a very packed time when we get there we get to rest for a little bit then we leave for the Atlanta Supercross race. After the Atlanta race we are going to Monster Mountain to ride on Sunday, and hopefully the weather is really great that is al I can hope for at this time. Well Monday we will be at the Mill Creek National for early sign up and we will remain the hole week for practice and then racing, and then we are off tho Florida for the race in Daytona which will be the next Amateur National following Mill Creek. Then I am off to home were I have a big RC Event to run which is called the Hillbilly Hoedown and I can tell you right now that is going to be a fun event.

Down town Donny Brown 381

Monday, February 17, 2014

What a race in Texas was the 250 class really a surprise

Well as we all know another great night in the books of motocross racing, and even though your favorite might not of win you have to enjoy the fierce competition. I guess in the 250 class a very happy moment for the young rookie AC to get his first heat win and first Monster Energy Supercross win. After all he did break all the records as a amateur rider and is now training with RV and Ken Roczen what else could you expect but a good finish. In the 450 class JS7 pulls off another impressive win lets see if JS7 he can keep him self together and not over ride he just might have a run for the championship this year, and all the people that said he should retire he will never win again I guess he proved that wrong, but season is not over yet lets see if he can stay with RV next week when the dirt gets bite. No rely predictions yet I really have to put more thinking into this one I have only been right once this year, and it just seems to get harder every week who to pick.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Who Is Going To Be On There Game Tonight In Texas?

Again another long week of waiting for the 250 and the 450 gate to drop, and all the anxiety built up inside because of the competition has been so fierce so far. Now making his first debut the long awaited rookie Adam Cianciarulo who in his amateur career was unstoppable. So now we have just another factor added to the already unbelievable racing that has been going on all year. So I guess my pick for tonight 450 class will be simple I have to go with RV even though I am hoping for one of the Orange machines, yes Roczen or Dungey. Just don't count out JS7, Reed, Brayton, and Barcia who is going to have a bust out race sometime soon we have all been waiting for it. Now the 250 class again a lot of great drivers and all the controversy that Adam Cianciarulo caused in the outdoor season, and training with RV and Roczen. I guess we all have to find out if this kid is all he is made up to be and tonight is the night we will find out. I know he is a rookie that has a lot of pressure to perform after all he is Kawasaki's new rider that they are depending on taking over RV spot here in the near future. Well I have to say is once that 30 second card goes up the heart starts pounding.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Looking For A Full Blown Mod 250f

I am trying to find a full blown mod KTM 250sxf like the ones the professionals ride, but it seems to be harder than you can imagine to find one of these bikes. I did find Chad Reeds 450f Honda which is really cool, but I am looking for a 250f preferably a KTM. I really need one for my son for the motocross which will be starting in about 3 months. Well if you know anyone getting rid of a factory bike please let me know I am really interested. Or if you have any suggestions on who will build the best bike I might have to take that route too.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Arlington, Texas Here They Come

Well now we are off to Arlington, Texas were another round of AMA Supercross in what has been its most rewarding season in the last decade. It seems that the fan favorite for this year has been Chad Reed, but just not to many years ago that was a lot different. So I wonder what makes all the fans change to him being a favorite just maybe I think it might be his age. After all we all have a little excitement left in our lives and just want to see a victory for there generation. I can not just choose one person anymore to win they are all so talented. We are getting closer to the east coast and this is were RV shines his best, but lets just hope all the riders dig down deep and make this a race to the end. This should help boost the dirt bike action to gain an already fast growing audience. It seems year after year this industry is finally growing, but what a long time it took to get the publicity it is finally starting to get. So all you fans hold on I think this is going to be a historic year one you will never forget. The only thing we can wish for is that we have many more years of this type of competition. AT&T Stadium here we come watch us hear us roar and feel the thunder. I just have a crazy feeling this week that Ken Roczen is going to take this one home, but I don't know why that is just my pick.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Dyno Test Results: Is This The Answer You Were Looking For

Okay I just got the new chart that tells the horsepower of all the race bikes, and this was in Dirt Rider magazine they used FMF's dyne to put out the numbers. I don't have to tell you the results the picture will tell them for you, but what I always wondered when you read the magazine articles on all the shootouts what do you believe. I know we all thrive to see our machines on top of the list, and even after we read the article who really believes what they say. Everyone has there favorite bike and they are going to dispute it in there head saying things like the winner must have paid them more money in advertising this year. Well not saying that is true but who knows all I know is that all the bikes we see in the pro races are nothing like what they test in the magazine. I also want to say I don't care if you have the fastest bike in the world if you can not ride it to its potential does it really matter just enjoy the brand you like. Just remember anything that they say is wrong with the bike there is always a fix so with all the battling going n with all the different manufactures I would like to know what is your favorite manufacture.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

PR2 Something you Might Want To Know

Okay I really do not want to start a problem, but what really bothers me now days is the customer support you get with what you pay for. People use there hard earn money to pay for things to make there dirt bikes better or actually whatever they like most it all cost money. So I have to make a complaint against PR2 which really has disappointed me with they way they take care of customers. I was at a race last year in Mill Creek which is located in Pell City, Alabama and it is a great National event we go to every year. I bought a bike for Downtown Donny Brown from Colton Ford because he decided not to race anymore. This motor built by PR2 has a lot of money put into it, and Donny Brown 381 was on the line the gate dropped and he was out of the hole in forth by half a lap into third. Then he was passing for second in the bull turn which is a little more than half the track and the hole top end blew out of the motor. Well in my opinion what you pay that much money for a motor I thought no problem lets go over to PR2 and have them take a look. I was shocked when they were not willing to do a thing about it and they pretty much said to bad. So anyone that uses PR2 I do think they do great suspension work, but to not stand by there motor was not a good thing. So I have to thank the KTM Orange Brigade crew who ended up tearing Donny's bike down and putting it all back together. Even though it was now stock and not all modded out he at least got to run. Thank you again for the amateur KTM team for all the help and sorry PR2 you will never get my business again or anyone that ask me for a motor referral, and I use to think you were great people to deal with.

This was Daytona 2013 Donny won the 250B class after leaving Mill creek

Monday, February 10, 2014

JS7 Gets His First Win Of The Year

James Stewart finally gets  win fir the year, and I have to admit the top 5 riders are all so fast it is hard to choose who will win the event. Ryan and James had an excellent race while Roczen was on the charge then he flattened out allowing Reed and Dungey to close in. I have to say this crew has made this one of my favorite years so far with the closest competition in a long long time. Kudos to all of the riders this year for bumping up there game, but RV loves the east coast dirt has a lot more traction will they still be able to give him a run when they get there. I guess we will soon find out.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Day 2 For My Kid's Journey To Tennessee To Ride Motocross

Well day two of my kid going to Tennessee and they stayed in Ohio last night, but they did not leave until around 1:00 pm. Yeah they got a late start but called me around ten to let me know they were in Ohio and they were getting hop at 4 am to head out again. So it looks like they have been on the road for about 4 hours already this morning. They should be arriving around 4 today and I will be more at ease. I have races today to run at Redneck RC my hobby shop and that will make the day go by a lot faster. So sorry to torture all of you with my story but this is the first time he has ever went anywhere without me and it just feels weird. I thought he would be the one calling and wanting to come home , but I can see it now I will be planning a trip down there in the near future.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Trying To Prepare For The Amateur Nations

Well it is friday now my kid was headed down south to Tennessee and for the second time on his way down the diesel van broke down. He is very discouraged after all he is attending the national in Pell City, Alabama known as Mill Creek. This is one of his favorite tracks but with all these set backs he feels he will not get the practice he needs before the race. So now with the van in the shop just waiting for the prognosis so I can get it fixed and get him down there it is a sad time in the house hold.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Who Will Be Taking Home The Red Number Plate After San Diego

Well I know it is only Wednesday but the racing has been so good. I am already getting pumped to watch the race coming up at Qualcomm Stadium in San Diego, CA. They are headed to Texas after that. Well anyways back to the point who is going to leave San Diego with the red number plate this week. There has been so many riders that have picked up the pace but RV  said he can not wait to get to the east coast, he likes the dirt a lot better. RV might be hard to beat on the east coast because the dirt seems to have a lot more traction and he rides wide open which the tackier dirt gives him the traction he enjoys. So after San Diego they are headed that way lets hope the racing stays awesome and no one runs away this championship.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

MX Vs. ATV Returning With Supercross In 2014

When THQ folded up shop earlier this year, many franchises went dormant as a result, including the engaging MX Vs. ATV racing series. However, Nordic Games will soon rev it back up to full speed. 
The publisher announced today that it will bring back the racing franchise with MX Vs. ATV Supercross, which will debut on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC/Mac next year. The game will feature various multiplayer racing events, as well as the return of the Motoclub Depot and plenty of events. 
Various members from the former MX Vs. ATV team in Phoenix have returned for the project, carrying the same vision that we've come to expect from the mud-slinging series.
"The hiatus is over, and the team is back to work on MX Vs. ATV with great new things to come," said the company in a statement. The goal is to take the franchise "to even greater heights while retaining the ingredients that made MX Vs. ATV so successful." 
We'll have more coverage on the game in the months ahead. We welcome it back with open arms – although this shirt will probably get muddy.

Monday, February 3, 2014

MX Sponsors Please Fill Us In.

Well this is for all the riders out there that just can not catch a break. I know most people just read things then move on and do not comment, but I think we have to make a stand for whats write and what is wrong. Here I see it again and can not get any answers from any of the big sponsors. All I want to know is how they choose there riders there has to be some technique. Every time you ask they just will not answer if there is a reader out there that has any idea how to get them to talk please let me know. I would love to give all you fans a answer that is well deserved. They just give everyone politically correct answers like we will be watching you keep up the good work.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Reed Does It Again And A Rookie Was There To Pressure Him

Well after last night at A3 another shocking race to me, but all the fans really seem to like Chad Reed a lot. I myself would have never called that and the rookie Ken Roczen right on his tail the hole race tried to make a pass a couple times and Reed held him off. While RV was right behind them fell off the pace a little. JS7 and Ryan Dungey were both coming slowly but they were gaining, but after JS7 and Ryan Dungey got in there own wrecks caused by themselves gave breathing room to RV. The most shocking to me was they Reed and Roczen pulled away from Villipoto and we all know that does not happen. I have to say this has been the best year of racing I have seen in a long long time. I can not even wait until next week.