Saturday, February 15, 2014

Who Is Going To Be On There Game Tonight In Texas?

Again another long week of waiting for the 250 and the 450 gate to drop, and all the anxiety built up inside because of the competition has been so fierce so far. Now making his first debut the long awaited rookie Adam Cianciarulo who in his amateur career was unstoppable. So now we have just another factor added to the already unbelievable racing that has been going on all year. So I guess my pick for tonight 450 class will be simple I have to go with RV even though I am hoping for one of the Orange machines, yes Roczen or Dungey. Just don't count out JS7, Reed, Brayton, and Barcia who is going to have a bust out race sometime soon we have all been waiting for it. Now the 250 class again a lot of great drivers and all the controversy that Adam Cianciarulo caused in the outdoor season, and training with RV and Roczen. I guess we all have to find out if this kid is all he is made up to be and tonight is the night we will find out. I know he is a rookie that has a lot of pressure to perform after all he is Kawasaki's new rider that they are depending on taking over RV spot here in the near future. Well I have to say is once that 30 second card goes up the heart starts pounding.

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