Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Motocross The Best Sport Ever

Well as we all know the injuries every year keep building up on these pro motocross riders makers you wonder why they do it. Do they really love the sport that much or as they were growing up they just got so good and now they make a good living at doing it. Well my guess would be number one that they love the sport because there are very few that make the big bucks. These riders all have had major injuries and the punishment there bodies take are incredible and they do it for not only the love of the sport but for us fans. So I totally commend all the action of all motocross racers for giving me the thrill of watching the most intense motor sports I can ever imagine. This is not for just the pros but for the weekend worriers who are out there giving it there all too. I would love to start a reality show on the life of a motocross rider. Yeah if the public could really see what these athletes go through it would change there mind.

I think that motocross is starting to bet bigger every year after all it did take a while to catch on, but I am not complaining just keep hoping it grows. Maybe someday they will have a motocross channel that shows not only the pro riders but the amateur circuit too. I do my best to help riders and try to get them to the track we all know not everyone can afford this sport, but if I was rich I would help so many people that I know could be on top but just can not afford to do it right now. So if there are any rich people out there looking to sponsor a rider or two I know some down south I am sure they would be much oblige to get some help too. See it is not always the best riders that advance it is like life you have to be in the right place at the right time. There are so many riders out there that are remarkable but only get a chance to race once in a while and don't ever train. If these sponsors would do there homework they can find riders that would be on top of there game, but any way I give all I can to the sport wish a lot more people would do that too and this is not directed towards anyone just wish there were a lot more rich people involved. Lets face it the bigger motocross and super cross gets the bigger sponsors start to jump in. It is openly fair that they get there name out there for doing what they do to help., but for any one involved in motocross you get my vote. Have a great day and hope your ride will never end.

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