Friday, January 31, 2014

Kid Off To Tennessee To Train

Well today is my last day to hang around with my son he is going down south to train and we have never been apart. He is 15 now and I am excited for him going down on one hand because he loves motocross, but on the other hand I am starting to wonder how it is going to work out. I guess it is time to let him do his thing three months shouldn't be that bad after all I am going down in about 3 weeks for a couple weeks.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Who Is Your Pick For Anaheim 3 This Week

Well we are back at Anaheim stadium for the third time. The points are still really close and all the top riders are performing pretty well. So I guess I have to ask what is your pick this week to win Anaheim will it be RV, JS7, Reed, Roczen, Barcia. There are a lot of stars to pick from but I have to go with James Steart this week just because he has to put himself in a better position with that reck he had at the first race. The other question is who will leave with the red number plate this week.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Sponsors Please Tell Us Your Criteria!!

I guess since I got no response from any sponsors to help ask a couple easy questions. I don't know were else to turn I have Facebook them and Twitter then and hell even email them. All I want is a good answer in how they choose who they sponsor, but I do not think any of them will give us a response. I know that they have people they hire to do this so I am just asking that someone just give us a answer because most Morocross Racers would like to know. I am not talking about the racer list that you get a percentage off that is great for both rider and the companies because they are still making some money and the racers are getting a discount. I am actually talking about the big sponsors of motocross. Like Red Bull, Monster, Rockstar, Geiko, Orange Brigade, and the hundred others that I did not write down. I know it is impossible to sponsor a lot of people it cost money I just want to know the criteria you are looking for. I get so many people ask me to have Redneck RC my compony sponsor them but I can only help a few people because I am a small business. I will tell you my criteria is I help people I see that do not have rides and I can't understand why when they win national events and are right at the top of the race, but yet every event all these sponsored riders are getting beat by these riders who only get help by there parents. How does that happen so there has to be a reason why or a criteria they do not fit into. SO PLEASE TELL THE MOTOCROSS COMMUNITY HOW THIS WORKS.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Things That Sponsor's Want To Hear or Don't Want To Hear

Okay here is a question I would love for sponsors to answer, but they have not responded yet and I am still waiting. I made a post on a lot of the major sponsors Facebook and asked a question and they deleted the post with no response. All I asked is how do all the sponsors choose motocross riders I know that the top guys get chooses because of there riding ability, but that is not really what I want to know there are riders that are sponsored that are not on the top of the list. How do the politics work I have a friend down south I watch beat most of the amateur sponsors riders, but yet he does not get a good ride. I watched this kid on super minis battle with cooper web actually beating him unit the last lap were he made a slight mistake. I think I have a good idea why because you have to know someone to get on the inside and if you are not kissing there butt then it just dont work. I know this kid don't have a lot of money so I do what I can to help him and my last comment was so does it make you mad when a privateer beats your best rider and he could have been riding for you. I didn't say I watched it happen in which I did see it with my own eyes at Daytona and Mill Creek, but I must have hit a nerve because I got no response back, but I wrote it correctly and did not say anything against them I just asked them a=in question form to get a good answer. I would like to know what they need from a reader to get in there scope. If you have seen things like this then please we would all like to hear about it or if you are a sponsor I would love to hear your answer.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Recap Of Oakland: Dean Wilson What Do You Predict

Well last night at Oakland was a great race except once you let Villipoto out front there is usually no way to stop that man. I really thought Stewart looked great too and I thought he was going to real him in and make it a race, but that never happened. But I have to admit the races looked real good if RV would have had just a position or two less of a start we might have had a good race for first. Reed Looked great again this week. But the story of the night should be in the 250 class were Dean Wilson had that locked up for, but another disappointment with his bike stalling on the last lap. I am sure Anderson was happy now that he won and got the points lead back, but great ride for Wilson maybe a glimpse of the near future is he back.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Tonight At Oakland: Who Is Taking Home The Win?

Who is going to win in Oakland tonight. With so many great riders this year it is hard to choose the winner of Oakland. Will there be another new winner or someone going to be the first to get there second win. After all we still have Ryan Dungey and James Stewart looking for there first win, while you have Villipoto , Roczen, and now Reed trying to get there second win. Oh you can not leave Brayton or Barcia out they are also very fast. As Ken Roczen goes into Oakland with the red number pilate we will soon find out who leaves with that number plate. After all the top 5 area within 5 points from each other. Well I have been wrong for my winner of all three races so I am going to try a different method tonight. I can not imagine Ryan Villipoto losing two in a row so I guess I have to give him the pick for tonight, but I would really like to see another new face winning tonight. I guess only time will tell so lets hope this race is as good as all the rest so far this year. Let me know who you think is going to win and why you think they are going to take home the 1st place award tonight at Oakland.

Friday, January 24, 2014


Yes. It is the rare exception to find a factory rider that is a fat head (although they do exist). But, at some point in their careers every factory rider goes through the "full of himself" stage. They seem to grow out of this once the aura of everybody laughing at their jokes wears off. It may be surprising to find out that the two of the biggest stars of all-time, Jeremy McGrath and Roger DeCoster, have reps as the nicest guys to deal with.

Thursday, January 23, 2014


No. There is no doubt that the motorcycle business is doing better than it has in a long time, but it is a mere shadow of what it was in the early 70s. In the early days of motocross, the manufacturers sold almost ten times more motorcycles than they do today. For example. Hodaka sold 10,000 units in a single years (and that was of 100cc trail bikes). Honda sold 94,000 Z50s in one year back in the good old days. Honda was close to selling one million motorcycles a year back in the 70s. Not today. Business is good, but not anywhere near as good as when Gary Jones, Marty Tripes, Marty Smith, Bard Lackey, Roger DeCoster and Mark Blackwell raced.
It should be noted that ATVs have drained off a large number of entry-level motorcycle sales. ATV sales are close to 400,000 units a year. Back in the 70s, there were no ATV sales. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Kawasaki and Chad Reed Celebrate a Victory at the 40th Anniversary of Monster Energy Supercross

Irvine, Calif. (January 20, 2014) – Round 3 of Monster Energy Supercross returned to Angel Stadium in Anaheim to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the sport on Saturday. Two-time supercross champion and Kawasaki mounted Chad Reed powered his KX™450F to his 42nd career supercross win, and his first in nearly two years. Monster Energy Kawasaki’s Ryan Villopoto worked his way into second place before a mistake dropped him to finish fifth. Jake Weimer charged to overcome a poor start and a late-race crash to finish 10th.
Back on Top
After Reed’s ninth place finish for Reed in Phoenix, the 2004 and 2007 supercross champion was looking to return to the podium. He battled forward to take the last qualifying spot in his heat race and looked consistent. Reed jumped out to a top-10 start in the main event and progressively and quietly picked off riders until the last five laps. Reed began reeling in the leader and made a pass stick with three laps remaining to take his 42nd supercross victory.

“41 wins have come easy, but 42? That one was sweet,” said Reed. “This was a long time coming and its so gratifying. I’m really proud of our team and the work we’ve done in the offseason. The Kawasaki is proven. Ryan has dominated on it and I’m happy to now win on the KX™ and hope to continue to grow.”

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Jason Anderson Officially Docked Two Positions At Anaheim 2

As mentioned in our post Saturday night after the Anaheim II Supercross, Jason Anderson was officially penalized today (Sunday, January 19) by the AMA for jumping a section of the track while the red-cross flag was being waved for a down rider. Another racer, Chris Proscelle, was also penalized for the same reason.
The AMA determined that Anderson, who finished second in the 250 West main and was leading the 250 West Supercross Championship, had jumped out of a rhythm section when he was supposed to have “rolled” the obstacle. The AMA used footage from Anderson’s own helmet-mounted camera to help verify the infraction, Cycle News learned.
According to a spokesperson from Anderson’s Rockstar Energy Racing Team, the team does not plan to appeal.
As a result, Anderson was dropped from second to fourth in the race results, costing him four points in the standings. He is now one point behind new class leader, Cole Seely.

Monday, January 20, 2014

The Road To Tennessee: The First Time Leaving!

Well my son may be headed to Tennessee to do some training with Downtown Donny Brown, and then he will be going to Georgia and practice with Rob Stillwell. This is going to be hard because my son always wants to train, but with my parents being in there eighties and me owning a hobby shop it is hard to bring him. Now that he is 15 this will be the first time he will be gone with out me. This is what he really wants I don't know how it will be not being around him everyday, but sometimes we have to do what we have to do to make your kids happy. I will be meeting him down there for the nationals though so no matter what is going on here I have to get out for a couple weeks. Well to all the parents that go through this if you have any feedback please let me know and good luck to all you young riders out there working your buts off to entertain us.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

RV Crashes Twice At Anaheim II

This was an amazing race with another different winner even though Chad Reed is not my favorite rider you can not take anything away from that ride he was amazing. This blog is not about that it is about RV wrecking two times in that race, but the one that really catches my eye is with Stewart. People are going to say JS7 kicked RV over because it kind of looks like that but the way it looked to me is that when RV ran into JS7 that JS7 was trying to put his foot back on the peg. I think for protection but RV's wheel kind of sucked his foot in like RC said during the race and I do not think he actually kicked RV over. Well everyone is going to see that different I would like to know what you think about that, but at the end when Ryan Dungey slammed into him. I was really surprised about that was Ryan Dungey actually making an aggressive pass or was it an accident. I don't know but the pressure is on and there is so many top notch racers this year I am so excited after the race to watch the next one. On that note the 250 class is also been some awesome racing with Anderson and Seeley I think this is also going to be one of the greatest battles of the century.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Anaheim 2 Angel Stadium: Who Leaves With The Red #1 Plate Tonight!

Back at Anaheim California tonight for the third round of Monster Energy Supercross. The last couple weeks it has been some good racing, and a lot of people picked Ryan Villipot to win because what is the chance of him losing twice in a row. Well this week I am picking James Stewart just because he has to have a great run and he is fast just needs a better start. This is going to be another great race, they have to hold Ryan Villipoto from getting another good start. When Ryan Villipoto gets out front it is almost impossible to pass him Ryan is either loved by his fans or hated. I just think that happens to all great racers no matter what sport it is, because there are a lot of people that just get bored with the same people winning all the time it happened to RC and JS7, but now it is RV's turn. So let me here who all of you think is going to win I will stick with my choice after looking at the track I feel JS7 actually has a good chance. My favorite rider is Roczen and Dungey that is because I am a KTM fan after all we all like our own bike manufacturers and most of us stick by what we like. But do not get me wrong I love to see great racing it is just a bonus when my guys are up there battling too. Have a great night and prey to the gods that they give us a race we all want to see.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Do MX Companies Ever Retaliate When Their Products Or Events Get A Bad Review?

You bet. I heard in a story I read that a magazine crew was banned from the Supercross series twice. The first ban lasted over a  half season before the promoters finally gave in. The next and most recent ban lasted for a full season is why they were saying. Banning really never works because they have to be honest about what they write. And for a company I can understand when their products and bikes get a bad review, its not uncommon for a company to get mad, but to pull all of their advertising I just do not think that is right. We can never make everyone happy and usually some criticism will allow them to make a better product. They have said over there time of being in business, every major motorcycle manufacturer has stopped talking totem at least once. I am sure this is what happen to all the magazines that write about everything, and this is why they sugar coat everything so it does not sound so bad. When reality if the product or bike sucks they should just say they suck and that will allow them to make a better product. The problem is for the fans they all have there favorite motocross bike and they always say how close it is why not just say the truth this is the winner not followed closely behind comes this bike then this and so on. The saddest thing i that when they open there letters they are afraid of whats in there because of what they wrote.

They all feel bad when they give a product, rider, race or bike a bad review, but they are not in the good news business. They are trying to provide motocrossers with accurate and honest information, and that their is what they do to inform motocross world what is going on

Thursday, January 16, 2014

2014 Amateur Motocross Schedule

This is for all you fans hopefully you will get to make some of these events they are amazing.
The American Motorcyclist Association Pro-Am Motocross 2014 calendar is now available. AMA Pro-Am Motocross is the proving ground for amateur racers to earn the credentials they need to line up at an AMA Supercross or AMA Pro Racing Motocross event.
“Today’s best amateur motocross racers can be found competing on the AMA Pro-Am Motocross circuit,” said AMA Motocross Manager Kip Bigelow. “Our calendar features premier tracks and the best promoters around the country, giving these up-and-coming racers an opportunity to race for the points, purse money and contingency that will help them get to the next level — AMA Supercross and AMA Pro Racing Motocross.”

2014 AMA Pro-Am Motocross

Subject to change
Dec. 29
Freestone Raceway – Wortham, TX
Texas Winter Series – Rnd 1
Classes: 250 Pro-Am & 450 Pro-Am
Jan. 12
Village Creek MX Park – Fort Worth, TX
Texas Winter Series – Rnd 2
Classes: 250 Pro-Am & 450 Pro-Am
Jan. 26
Swan Raceway Park – Tyler, TX
Texas Winter Series – Rnd 3
Classes: 250 Pro-Am & 450 Pro-Am
Feb. 2
Glen Helen Raceway – San Bernardino, CA
Road to Mammoth – King of the West Rnd 1
Classes: 250 Pro-Am, 450 Pro-Am & Open Pro Sport
Feb. 9
Oakhill MX Park – Alvord, TX
Texas Winter Series – Rnd 4
Classes: 250 Pro-Am & 450 Pro-Am
Feb. 15-16
Arizona Cycle Park – Buckeye, AZ
AMA Amateur National Area Qualifier
Classes: 250 Pro-Am, 450 Pro-Am & Open Pro Sport
Feb. 27-Mar. 2
Mill Creek Motocross Park – Pell City, AL
AMA Spring Classic
Classes: 250 Pro-Am, 450 Pro-Am & Open Pro Sport
March 2
Muddy Creek Raceway – Blountville, TN
Thor United States Mega Series
Classes: 250 Pro-Am & 450 Pro-Am
March 2
Freestone Raceway – Wortham, TX
Texas Winter Series – Rnd 5
Classes: 250 Pro-Am & 450 Pro-Am
March 1-2
Hollister Hills – Hollister Hills, CA
AMA Amateur National Area Qualifier
Classes: 250 Pro-Am, 450 Pro-Am & Open Pro Sport
March 15-16
South of the Border – Hamer, SC
AMA Amateur National Area Qualifier
Classes: 250 Pro-Am, 450 Pro-Am & Open Pro Sport
March 16
Porterville OHV Park – Porterville, CA
Road to Mammoth – King of the West Rnd 3
Classes: 250 Pro-Am, 450 Pro-Am & Open Pro Sport
March 18-22
Freestone Raceway – Wortham, TX
James Stewart Spring Championship
Classes: 250 Pro-Am & 450 Pro-Am
March 22-23
Horn Rapids MX – Richland, WA
AMA Amateur National Area Qualifier
Classes: 250 Pro-Am, 450 Pro-Am & Open Pro Sport
March 30
Raceway Park – Englishtown, NJ
Classes: 250 Pro-Am & 450 Pro-Am
March 30
Oatfield Raceway – Turlock, CA
Road to Mammoth – King of the West Rnd 4
Classes: 250 Pro-Am, 450 Pro-Am & Open Pro Sport
April 6
Pagoda Motorcycle Club – Birdsboro, PA
April 6
Devil’s Ridge Motocross – Sanford, NC
Classes: 250 Pro-Am & 450 Pro-Am
April 5-6
St. George MX – St. George, UT
AMA Amateur National Area Qualifier
Classes: 250 Pro-Am, 450 Pro-Am & Open Pro Sport
April 9-13
Glen Helen Raceway – San Bernardino, CA  
California Classic
Classes: 250 Pro-Am, 450 Pro-Am & Open Pro Sport
April 12-13
Sleepy Hollow MX Park – Manheim, PA
AMA Amateur National Area Qualifier
Classes: 250 Pro-Am, 450 Pro-Am & Open Pro Sport
April 13
Muddy Creek Raceway – Blountville, TN
Thor United States Mega Series
Classes: 250 Pro-Am & 450 Pro-Am
April 20
Lincoln Trails Motosports – Casey, IL
JM Racing Suspension Spring-Shootout
(217) 932-2041
Classes: 250 Pro-Am, 450 Pro-Am & Open Pro Sport
April 26-27
Thunder Valley – Livingston, TN
AMA Amateur National Area Qualifier
Classes: 250 Pro-Am, 450 Pro-Am & Open Pro Sport
May 3-4
Dutch Sport Park – Bloomingdale, MI
AMA Amateur National Area Qualifier
Classes: 250 Pro-Am, 450 Pro-Am & Open Pro Sport
May 11
Tomahawk MX – Hedgeville, WV
MAMA MX Series
May 11
Sunset Ridge – Walnut, IL
May 10-11
MotoCity Raceway – Little Falls, MN
AMA Amateur National Area Qualifier
Classes: 250 Pro-Am, 450 Pro-Am & Open Pro Sport
May 11
Pala Raceway – Pala, CA
Road to Mammoth – King of the West Rnd 6
Classes: 250 Pro-Am, 450 Pro-Am & Open Pro Sport
May 18
Motokazie Motocross - Kellogg, MN
Classes: 250 Pro-Am & 450 Pro-Am
May 18
Walden MX – Wallkill, NY
Walden MX Spring Pro-Am
Classes: 250 Pro-Am & 450 Pro-Am
May 24-25
Moto 338 – Southwick, MA
Motocross League of America (MLA)
Classes: 250 Pro-Am, 450 Pro-Am & Open Pro Sport
May 25
Pine Ridge Raceway – Athelstane, WI
Classes: 250 Pro-Am & 450 Pro-Am
May 26 (Monday)
Sweney Cycle Park – Brush, CO
May 29-30
Hangtown Motocross – Rancho Cordova
Pro National Amateur Day
May 31
Stateline MX – Pecatonica, IL
June 1
MC Motopark – Mt. Carroll, IL
June 1
Evansville Motocross Park – Berwick, PA
Classes: 250 Pro-Am & 450 Pro-Am
June 28-29
Mammoth Mountain – Mammoth Lakes, CA
Monster Energy Mammoth Motocross
Classes: 250 Pro-Am, 450 Pro-Am & Open Pro Sport
June 29
Muddy Creek Raceway – Blountville, TN
Thor United States Mega Series – Pro National Amateur Day
Classes: 250 Pro-Am & 450 Pro-Am
July 6
Hurricane Hills MX – Clifford, PA
July 6
Fast Farms MX – Altamont, TN
Classes: 250 Pro-Am & 450 Pro-Am
July 6
Red Bud Motocross – Buchanan, MI
Pro National Amateur Day
Classes: 250 Pro-Am & 450 Pro-Am
July 13
Muddy Creek – Blountville, TN
Thor United States Mega Series
Classes: 250 Pro-Am & 450 Pro-Am
July 19-24
Ponca City MX – Ponca City, OK
Ponca City Amateur Championship (MLA)
Classes: 250 Pro-Am, 450 Pro-Am & Open Pro Sport
August 10
Valley Raceway MX – Crystal Falls, MI
August 10
Malvern Motocross – Malvern, OH
Battle of Ohio State Championships
Classes: 250 Pro-Am & 450 Pro-Am
August 24
Briarcliff MX – Nashport, OH
Battle of Ohio State Championships
Classes: 250 Pro-Am & 450 Pro-Am
August 24
Buffalo Creek – Edgewood, TX
August 24
Spring Creek – Millville, MN
Viking Clash
August 30-31
Baja Acres – Millington, MI
Baja Brawl
Classes: 250 Pro-Am & 450 Pro-Am
August 31
Pine Ridge Raceway – Athelstane, WI
Classes: 250 Pro-Am & 450 Pro-Am
September 7
Pleasure Valley Raceway – Seward, PA
September 7
Pine Ridge Raceway – Athelstane, WI
September 7
Crossroads MX – Mason, IL
World of Powersports Crossroads Cup
Classes: 250 Pro-Am, 450 Pro-Am & Open Pro Sport
September 13-14
Silver Dollar MX – Reynolds, GA
Vurb Classic - Motocross League of America (MLA)
Classes: 250 Pro-Am, 450 Pro-Am & Open Pro Sport
September 21
Blue Diamond MX – New Castle, DE
Delaware State Championship
September 21
Fantasy Moto – Tigerton, WI
Midwest Mega Series
September 20-21
Oak Ridge MX – Garwin, IA
Motocross League of America (MLA)
Classes: 250 Pro-Am, 450 Pro-Am & Open Pro Sport
September 28
Lazy River MX – Dalton, GA
Thor United States Mega Series
423-323-5497 Classes: 250 Pro-Am & 450 Pro-Am
October 5
Raceway Park – Englishtown, NJ
Classes: 250 Pro-Am & 450 Pro-Am
October 12
Monster Mountain MX Park – Tallassee, AL
Classes: 250 Pro-Am, 450 Pro-Am & Open Pro Sport
October 11-12
Indian Hills Motocross – Duquoin, IL
Motocross League of America (MLA)
Classes: 250 Pro-Am, 450 Pro-Am & Open Pro Sport
October 19
Muddy Creek – Blountville, TN
Thor United States Mega Series – Top Gun
Classes: 250 Pro-Am & 450 Pro-Am
October 26
Arizona Cycle Park – Buckeye, AZ
Western Pro-Am
November 1-2
Mill Creek MX – Pell City, AL
Motocross League of America (MLA)
Classes: 250 Pro-Am, 450 Pro-Am & Open Pro Sport
November 23-26
Gatorback Cycle Park – Gainesville, FL
Mini Olympics - Supercross
November 27-29
Gatorback Cycle Park – Gainesville, FL
Mini Olympics - Motocross
November 30
St. George MX – St. George, UT

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


This is the track map for Anaheim 2 and it looks pretty technical so leaving that not it i time to find out who everyone top 3 picks are. The 450 class have been the best racing I have seen in years and there are a lot of fast racers this year in my opinion probably the most talented field ever to race together. What I mean by that is there are so many people that could win it is hard to decide. So I am going to make my prediction for this week. I thin the top 3 in order are going to be James Stewert sitting in first, Ryan Villipoto will take second place, and Ryan Dungey will end up in third. I am just looking for a new winner this week having three different winners the first three races. So let me here your picks who do you think is going to win this week.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Getting prepared for the new year takes countless hours of hard work, and the top riders in the sport have preferred locations where they turn laps. Team Honda Muscle Milk’s Justin Barcia retreated to his spread in rural Georgia, where a number of Supercross and motocross courses are laid out on the plot of acres, and clicked off as many laps as he could before the Anaheim One opener. What’s it look like to take on a private course on a factory bike? See for yourself in this GoPro video, courtesy of Team Honda. Just click the link below.

Monday, January 13, 2014


January 10, 2014
We are sad to report of the passing of Kasper Lynggaard, a motocross racer from Denmark who was killed this afternoon during practice at the Dortmund Supercross in Germany. According to several Europe-based websites, Lynggaard, who rode for the Danish team in the 2013 Motocross of Nations in Germany, was practicing in Dortmund when he crashed in the whoops. His heart apparently stopped at the moment of impact with the ground, and despite the best efforts of paramedics on the scene, he could not be revived.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Chase Field, Race Number 2: Brayton Was that For Real

Well I did not know what to expect going into this race with so many talented stars to pick from. But one stood out at the end of the race that not many people would have picked yeah Thats right Justin Brayton just another talented supper cross rider that just rose to the top. Was this just a fluke or Justin going to give some stiff competition to the already list of probably the most talented class of 450 riders ever to race. Everyone is expecting Ryan Villipoto to steel the show and everyone knows he can, but I have to give thumbs up to Justin Brayton for staying right there Ryan Villipoto to the end. I would have never expected for Justin to Hold off Dungey, but I was wrong once again. Well until next week we will just have to see if Justin just had an exceptional night or if he will make another podium. I know for sure that all the Yamaha fans are happy, and I must admit I really like seeing new faces put themselves on the podium. So you fans tell me do you think out was just a fluke or is Brayton going to be someone to recon with.

Saturday, January 11, 2014


Through a lot of research I will Give my favorite bike starting with the 1981 Maico 490, but it is in a close battle with the 1973 Honda CR125, 1981 Suzuki RM125, 1987 Honda CR250,  1996-thru-2000 Yamaha YZ125s, and 2010-11 KTM 450F. Tell me who you think made the best bike ever. Here is a link to Motocross action and they give you the best Motocross bikes in the past 34 years.

Friday, January 10, 2014


I think that was a matter of opinion up until Ricky Carmichael dominated the sport. Then came along James Stewart who they called the fastest man on the planet. Now you have Ryan Villipoto who seems to be winning all the titles if he is not injured. All of the old school fans still like Roger DeCoster, While most think Jeremy McGrath is by far the greatest Supercross rider of all time. The Australians of course are going with Chad Reed while the Europeans are going with Stefan Everts. So tell me who is your greatest motocrosser of all time. I know there are a lot but I WOULD REALLY LIKE TO KNOW.

Thursday, January 9, 2014


Yes. However, they believe that their interpretation of the rule book is on the legal side of dishonest. The AMA has never been willing to put any teeth into the Production Rule and as a result the gray areas are so great you could go to the starting line with Art Arfons Green Monster rocket car and still fall within the AMAs definitions of production. The factory teams are cheating--at least in the spirit of the law. By the letter of the law they aren't breaking any rules.
This is a great little article I read in motocross action magazine thought you would all enjoy, and tell me what you think, are the factory rider's cheating. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Looking For A 2013 WMR Supermini: Hard To Find

Yes todays topic is a little different with less that 2 months away the first Amateur National at Millcreek is going to start. This is the first event of 4 with the Nationals that most big Amateur riders will attend. I have been looking for one of these superminis for a while now and still have not run across one. So now I am reaching out to all my audience and anyone who reads this blog. If you know anyone that has a 2013 WMR supermini please contact me I am very interested of course if it is a 2014 WMR supermini I will be interested in that too. We will be heading down south here shortly and need one of these bikes for the nationals. If you have never been to one of these Amateur nationals I would suggest that come and watch after all you will be seeing your future pro riders here. This is were the best of the best come and it is so exciting to watch and be in the present of such young talent. Well have a great day and hope to hear from someone please pass this along to all your motocross friends maybe someone will have one of these bikes I just can not find. Thank you and have a great day.

My email address is please contact if you have any information on one of these super mini's.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

James Stewart Wrecks Hard at Anaheim 1 - 2014 Supercross

This has been see by every motocross and supercross fan in the world, but the one thing I can not believe is how he maintained his body position for that entire wreck until getting ejected. I know a lot of people do not like James Stewart. I for one have no opinion I just love to see good racing I really wish he did not crash I would love to see him and Ken have a battle. Well I guess I would really like to know what he was thinking when he picked his bike up and noticed the bars were so bent it was unridable. Tell me what you think about the crash and how will he respond next week in Pheonix.

Time will tell if James can recover mentally from this he was getting back on top of his game. I guess we all have to tune in this Saturday to find out if everything is okay. It really looks like it will be shaping up to a dog fight with the top riders which will make a excellent supercross season.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Round 2 Pheonix Arizona Who Is Your Pick?

Okay now that we have the first round at Anaheim under our belts we all got to see our riders perform. And I must say all the top notch guys did ride well they were all on top of there game if there were no accidents I would love to of seen the end result. Would haves keep running through my mind but enough it is done and over with now. So we move on to Chase Field in Pheonix, Arizona for round two of the Monster Energy AMA Supercross race. I am asking all motocross fans to tell me who you think is going to win this and why do you think they are going to win. Please let us all know so we can dispute who will be the round 2 winner and don't be afraid to pick your guy we all have dreams of who we would like to win, but reality is usually different. So fans tell me who your pick is for the 450 class and if you like the 250 class too tell me who you think will take that checkered flag too.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Anaheim Round 1 Did it Live Up To The Hype!

      Well last night was a fantastic night of racing there was a lot of fast guys and too many mistakes. I thought the race was really good and it gave us a glimpse of whats to come in the near future. I really wish the Ryan Villipoto did not fall and James Stewart did not get thrown from aboard his ride. I like when these racers win racing and there are no accidents. But all in all I think the races were great the competition was fierce and even the 250 class was an unbelievable ending. I can not believe how Anderson stuffed his bike in on Cole for the win. Weather or not people thought that was a dirty move he got the job done and it came down to the wire. The only thing that threw me off a little was the format that changed too and I am not sure if I like it, but I guess you get to watch more racing so that can not be a bad thing. And hope that Eli Tomac is ok I really would like to see him get in there and mix it up some more.
      Well I guess A1 is over and it was quite a show letting us all know there are a lot of top dogs that have enough fight in them to win. I think this year is going to be Epic and I can not wait for Pheonix, Arizona chase field should be another all out battle. Well I guess before I have to go I have to give a thumbs up for the Red Bull KTM crew after all they finished first and second in the 450 class. Wow KTM had a great day now that Anderson is on a Rockstar KTM they stole the win for the 250 class too. Well I am sure next week we will see a holes new set of winners and thank God for Motocross. The last thing I have to say did Anaheim 1 live up to the Hype, I would have to say HELL YEAH!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Tonight is The Night We all Been Waiting For: Is the Hype too High

Today is the day that we have all been waiting for, and I already know it will be a long day. Time will move slow just because I can not wait to watch this race. I am so pumped I can not eve begin to tell you  I think it is going to be awesome with the talent ion this race and most top riders are feeling ready. I keep running this race through my head trying to imagine who is going to get the hole shot and as I run everyone of the top riders through my head I can see quirt a few neck to neck in the first turn. Is this going to be the year all of the people who told JS7 he should quit he is all washed up to eat there words. Ids Ryan Dungey up to the task to push himself a little more to get up to speed with Ryan Villipoto or is Villipoto just too fast. Will Davey Millsap show up and put on a show. Is Ken Roczen prepared to give it his all. I just don't know all I can say I hope it is a great race with a lot of battling I do not think the fans would like to see another run away win by anyone. Lets all hope that the competition is so great that we see a battle of a lifetime that we are all tuning in to watch. Well until tomorrow hope to hear from some of you telling me what you think is going to happen.

Is this a preview of what is going to happen tonight. I guess the only way you will find out is to watch.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Anaheim 1 is Almost Here is Will the Race be As Big as The HYPE

The race is almost here yes Anaheim 1 it is shaping up to be a huge event and everyone is ready to go. Is all this hype going to live up to the expectation or will this be another let down. I personally think this will be a great season with everyone in great health and looking like they did years ago. Yes I am talking about James Stewart and Chad Reed they say they are looking like the riders of 2008 and 2009. Well only time will tell but with all the talent in the crew on the 450's this year it should be a crazy first round. There are at least ten people that are good enough to win this first round I guess we will have to see who is the most prepared. With only a couple days away I myself can not wait to see the gate drop on moto 1.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

What is Running Through Ryan Dungey's Mind

I have heard some talk about what does Ken Roczen team mate Ryan Dungey think, with Ken Roczen training with Ryan Villipoto through this off season getting ready for the 2014 supercross series. I guess since Ryan Dungey and Ryan Villipoto are such fierce competitors you may even say they are rivals now, and how would you feel if your team mate was training with your number one competitor. I know they are all experts and they will do there talking on the track, but I never really thought about it until it just clicked after watching the new Racer X Online video. I hope it don't put any tension with these two riders because they are both on top of there game, and how will Ryan Dungey handle the pressure of having a teammate like Ken Roczen riding with him in the same class. Well I guess we will all find out, the season will be kicking of here in a few days.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

What is Your Favorite Dirt Bike and Why?

Well this week I was answer a lot of questions about motocross and this question seem to come up all the time. They asked what is you r favorite dirt bike and why. I guess I have changed over the years and I would like to know what other people think. I don't always agree with the magazines for a cpu;le reasons I thought about it and asked a lot of people. If you are doing a review on a bike are you going to tell the people who pay you the most in advertising that there bike sucks. No that will never happen so no one will really get a this is a horible bike but a beat around the bush as they say. Well let me hear what you readers have to say and why you pick the bike you like the most.