Saturday, January 4, 2014

Tonight is The Night We all Been Waiting For: Is the Hype too High

Today is the day that we have all been waiting for, and I already know it will be a long day. Time will move slow just because I can not wait to watch this race. I am so pumped I can not eve begin to tell you  I think it is going to be awesome with the talent ion this race and most top riders are feeling ready. I keep running this race through my head trying to imagine who is going to get the hole shot and as I run everyone of the top riders through my head I can see quirt a few neck to neck in the first turn. Is this going to be the year all of the people who told JS7 he should quit he is all washed up to eat there words. Ids Ryan Dungey up to the task to push himself a little more to get up to speed with Ryan Villipoto or is Villipoto just too fast. Will Davey Millsap show up and put on a show. Is Ken Roczen prepared to give it his all. I just don't know all I can say I hope it is a great race with a lot of battling I do not think the fans would like to see another run away win by anyone. Lets all hope that the competition is so great that we see a battle of a lifetime that we are all tuning in to watch. Well until tomorrow hope to hear from some of you telling me what you think is going to happen.

Is this a preview of what is going to happen tonight. I guess the only way you will find out is to watch.

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