Monday, January 27, 2014

Things That Sponsor's Want To Hear or Don't Want To Hear

Okay here is a question I would love for sponsors to answer, but they have not responded yet and I am still waiting. I made a post on a lot of the major sponsors Facebook and asked a question and they deleted the post with no response. All I asked is how do all the sponsors choose motocross riders I know that the top guys get chooses because of there riding ability, but that is not really what I want to know there are riders that are sponsored that are not on the top of the list. How do the politics work I have a friend down south I watch beat most of the amateur sponsors riders, but yet he does not get a good ride. I watched this kid on super minis battle with cooper web actually beating him unit the last lap were he made a slight mistake. I think I have a good idea why because you have to know someone to get on the inside and if you are not kissing there butt then it just dont work. I know this kid don't have a lot of money so I do what I can to help him and my last comment was so does it make you mad when a privateer beats your best rider and he could have been riding for you. I didn't say I watched it happen in which I did see it with my own eyes at Daytona and Mill Creek, but I must have hit a nerve because I got no response back, but I wrote it correctly and did not say anything against them I just asked them a=in question form to get a good answer. I would like to know what they need from a reader to get in there scope. If you have seen things like this then please we would all like to hear about it or if you are a sponsor I would love to hear your answer.

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