Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Sponsors Please Tell Us Your Criteria!!

I guess since I got no response from any sponsors to help ask a couple easy questions. I don't know were else to turn I have Facebook them and Twitter then and hell even email them. All I want is a good answer in how they choose who they sponsor, but I do not think any of them will give us a response. I know that they have people they hire to do this so I am just asking that someone just give us a answer because most Morocross Racers would like to know. I am not talking about the racer list that you get a percentage off that is great for both rider and the companies because they are still making some money and the racers are getting a discount. I am actually talking about the big sponsors of motocross. Like Red Bull, Monster, Rockstar, Geiko, Orange Brigade, and the hundred others that I did not write down. I know it is impossible to sponsor a lot of people it cost money I just want to know the criteria you are looking for. I get so many people ask me to have Redneck RC my compony sponsor them but I can only help a few people because I am a small business. I will tell you my criteria is I help people I see that do not have rides and I can't understand why when they win national events and are right at the top of the race, but yet every event all these sponsored riders are getting beat by these riders who only get help by there parents. How does that happen so there has to be a reason why or a criteria they do not fit into. SO PLEASE TELL THE MOTOCROSS COMMUNITY HOW THIS WORKS.

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